Beauvallet celebrates the 10th anniversary of Les Journées Limousines in Limoges, with their Or Rouge premium range


Beauvallet is a French company specializing in the processing and marketing of quality meats, with recognized expertise in several areas. Beauvallet‘s offering is divided into several professions, including the purchase of live animals, boning, production of minced steaks, as well as the preparation of elaborate products for a varied clientele: butchers, restaurants and supermarkets. In another hand, Beauvallet attaches high importance to the quality and traceability of its products, with certifications, such as the IFS. It guarantees food safety, in particular with rigorous tests on minced meats, meeting consumers’ expectations, in terms of transparency, animal welfare and nutritional quality.

A good proof is their Or Rouge label, through a certain commitment to environment respect, the quality of products and the promotion of the fair work of breeders, embodying a modern and responsible approach to breeding. By relying on a Limousin territory, which is rich in biodiversity and promoting sustainable practices, this label offers consumers exceptional meat, while guaranteeing fair remuneration to farmers. For instance, their annual event in Limoges, named the Journées Limousines, celebrated in October 2024 a decade of their existence, bearing witness to the success and relevance of this approach, which makes Limousin meat a product of excellence on an international scale. By AL

For the catering sector, Beauvallet offers precisely portioned meats and also elaborate prepared products, packaged according to the needs of distributors and restaurants. Internationally, Beauvallet stands out for the purchase and sale of processed beef and the marketing of poultry, while offering consulting, auditing and training services. In the range of cooked products, the company innovates with low-temperature cooking, steaming or marking techniques, and develops custom products. That’s why Beauvallet targets distributors, hotel chains and snacking players, focusing on creating products adapted to all consumer trends (photo credits: AL).

Thus, Beauvallet‘s products range from traditional raw meat cuts (muscles, offal) to processed products (such as carpaccio, marinades, skewers), distributed under different ranges, Tradition Bouchère, Or Rouge (renown as exceptional Limousin meat), and Alexis Beauvallet, which perpetuates the butchery tradition, back from 1860. Indeed, Beauvallet‘s environmental commitment, in particular through the High Natural Value (HVN) approach, supports sustainable agriculture that respects biodiversity, while ensuring fair remuneration for random local breeders. Loyal to this politics of promoting breeders and their know-how, those Journées Limousines play a central role.

This annual event, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, aims to be a real catalyst for the regional beef sector. Organized opposite the legendary Limoges-Bénédictins train station, this annual agricultural rendez-vous brings together breeders, farmers, industry players and any enthusiasts, all united by a common goal to promote the excellence of Limousin meat. Furthermore, Bernard Laiguille, director of Beauvallet, as a true family affair, considers this event as a lever to strengthen the visibility and reputation of Limousin meat, both nationally and internationally. And more precisely to highlight their own Or Rouge label that tends to stand out for its innovative approach, focused on quality, animal welfare and respect for our environment.

This initiative, strongly anchored in the so-called High Natural Value (HNV) areas, mainly in the Massif Central, promotes sustainable agricultural practices and the biodiversity of these regions. This Or Rouge label does not just respect high standards in terms of animal welfare and the fragile ecosystems, since it eventually goes further by closely supporting breeders in all stages of their activity. For example, the supply of cattles‘ food, mainly self-supplied, demonstrates a desire for autonomy and traceability. The HNV initiative, developed in 2007, aims to preserve specific areas of high ecological value in France, particularly in the Massif Central area.
This HNV methodology is based on three main indicators, so to say crop diversity, the extensiveness of agricultural practices (in particular the reduction of chemical inputs) and the density of landscape elements, such as hedges and wet meadows. These spaces, rich in biodiversity, play a key role in the quality of livestock farming and the sustainability of agricultural practices. For instance, drinking water, essential to any cow‘s needs, is also traced, reflecting rigorous management of natural resources.

Therefore, the Or Rouge label places breeders at the heart of its approach, notably by highlighting strict selection criteria, both in terms of animal conformation and meat quality. This better promotion of the farmers‘ and breeders‘ work is visible in those Journées Limousines, notably with a breeder contest and an auction sale. Those events unveil various precise criteria, that underline suitable feeding, rigorous selection of animals, as well as particular attention paid to traceability. The breeders‘ remuneration is thus proportional to their commitment, guaranteeing fair compensation for their high daily involvement.

Logically, most of the Or Rouge ambassadors, who benefit from the team support, throughout their distinct structures, see their efforts recognized, through a value chain that links them directly to consumers. This dynamic is reinforced by a close collaboration with chefs and catering actors, who as well participate in the range promotion. This is the case of the Espoirs Limousins competition, a culinary contest that enhances the gastronomic talent of students, in terms of service, cooking and even table decoration. Supervised by a jury of gastronomy professionals, tasting their cooked Or Rouge products, this event offers a bright window on their know-how, leading to a final act, featuring the auction sale and a gala night, in the Limoges Opera, to thank all.
Keep updated for the next 2025 edition of Les Journées Limousines, more details on their official website and on the Or Rouge platform.