Flashback on the 2023 edition of the Éclats D’Émail jazz festival in Limoges, supported by the Uniqua’s customizable sneakers


Since the 1930s and the creation of the Hot Club, jazz has always had its audience in Limoges. Furthermore, established in 2006, the Eclats D’Émail Festival has been offering to this porcelain city real moments of musical vibration, around jazz music but not only. This 18th edition of the Festival Éclats d’Émail, once again happening in the Limousin city of Limoges, proposed a joyful and colorful selection of no less than 35 artists who have gathered around the same pleasure, between 16th and 26th December 2023. Those talents were all guided under the framework of Jean-Michel Leygonie, artistic director of the festival. A true celebration of all style of contemporary and ethnic music that takes place every year, attracting jazz lovers from around the World. By AP

In fact, nestled in the picturesque town of Limoges, this one-of-a-kind festival offers an immersive experience into countless captivating stages of live music. This annual jazz festival offers all the musical ingredients which contribute to display many facets from this jazz music current, full of multiple talents. Among them, we may have counted, for the 2023 edition, on the Irish singer Kaz Hawkins who is pictured on the poster, as guest of honor of this festival. By the way, recent months, this artist of Northern Irish origin, has started a new life in this so much attractive Limousin region. Thus, this sparkling headliner is completed by the groove music by Lehmanns Brothers who performed in the Pompette À Limoges club.

This was followed by the legendary free jazz by the American saxophonist Steve Coleman, the Afro jazz performed by the multicultural jazz band of the senegalese artist Mangane with his Zoom Zemmatt project, not far from the Ethiopian Jazz of Laurent Bardaine and his Tigre D’Eau Douce band for their Hymne Au Soleil project, without forgetting young talents such as the young jazz guitarist Alès Demil from La Rochelle, whose electric guitar closely sounds like George Benson or even Pat Metheny!

From the Opera Limoges, the Limoges Mediatheque, the unmissable Halles Centrales of Limoges, the Pompette À Limoges club, even the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Limoges, the Au Bureau restaurant, without forgetting the Région Nouvelle Aquitaine council. New venues and original local places arise each year, in this heart of Limousin.
Perfect to arise any jazzy melomania curiosity, all set up in a framework of local partners, involved in gastronomy and craftsmanship, able to promote Limoges‘ specialities.
Limoges tourist office, 12 Boulevard de Fleurus, 87000 Limoges (France) / Phone: 00 33 (0)5 55 34 46 87. More information on the festival, on their official website.

Therefore, we highly advise you to learn more about those various partners. This is the case of Uniqua, which would give you the opportunity to design your own sneakers. Whether you have a creative personality or not, you maybe have already dreamed to add your personal touch to your shoes. Apart from wearing the feet of the staff from the Éclats d’Émail festival, Uniqua proposes a wide selection of alternative to their customizable sneakers. Pursuing the long shoe tradition of this Limousin region and even founded by a former designer of an other local illustrious JM Weston house, Uniqua wishes to satisfy as much as possible your desires of patterns and colors.

Adding to this, this young brand aims to be ecological and advocates a real short circuit, while offering a nearly total local manufacture of your future sneakers. Indeed, this unique concept allows you to visualize in real time the result of your customization project, before being sent for manufacturing.
Without forgetting that Uniqua even organizes tours of its factory and as well design workshops, in order to be personally guided in the creation of your own pair of shoes. A huge potential of colors and pop art touch in perspective, especially if you also acquire one of the limited edition models, designed with famous artists!
Uniqua, 1 Rue Monte à Regret, 87000 Limoges (France) / Phone : 00 33 (0)6 71 67 18 68. More information on their official website.