Take care of your skin with some hyaluronic acid… The last innovations of Esthederm and Klapp

Following our last articles about different cosmetics, this time we have a look on the illustrious hyaluronic acid, a real star nowadays of formulas, notable used in moisturizers. This molecule is often associated with technicality, biocompatibility and, above all, effectiveness assets.
Indeed, this element may be very useful in many beauty routines, even more when it comes to sensitive skin, moisturizers are renewed to open up to new, lighter textures, while displaying unsurpassed skincare At the origin, inspired by medical techniques and innovations, many laboratories, specialized pharmaceutical and dermatological, involving hyaluronic acid injections, were looking to develop a new range of cosmetics dedicated to all, in order to reach a larger audience of traditional skincare cosmetics brands.
This new market cosmeceutical positioning as been baptized “cosmeceuticals”, since those innovative are wedding traditional cosmetics, pharmaceutical and drug methods, unless those treatments own higher concentrations assets than conventional products and some of them require a medical accompaniment. Although, this efficient family may be adapted to all kinds of skin issues, but especially present in anti-aging. In addition to this, you still have the opportunity to find them in classic distribution circuits, like pharmacies, drugstores, and also in spa institutes.
In this topic, take the chance to discover some of those related cosmetics players, through a constant innovation race for beauty. By AL
Born from the altruist wish of the French passionate biologist and cell specialist, named Jean-Noël Thorel, who paid many efforts, notably on a research on cutaneous bioecology, in order to elaborate a sustainable solution for the neutralization of aging parameters. At the origin of the various brands, such as Institut Esthederm, Bioderma and Etat Pur, all belonging to the NAOS group. This mother venture is specialized in the promotion of the ecobiology, a concept aimed to better preserve the skin‘s ecosystem and strengthen its natural mechanisms (photo credits: Esthederm).
Among the many approaches developed since its early days, in the 1970s, his Esthederm laboratory notably proposes products working on anti-photoaging issues, along other specific beauty patents. For instance, their Osmoclean is a professional cleaning method, based on the protection of your skin flora and its ecosystem, with the activation of your natural defense system, thanks to the production of beta defenses (a natural antiseptic), while eliminating the random pathogenic flora (unwanted bacteria). Other alternative patents, mostly in terms of slowing of the skin aging, were also developed with the Cellular Water (as a mimetic of tissue water), Repair (dermal repair), UVinCellium (an intracellular protection without filter or screen) or even the Time Control System (a new anti-oxidant). A range of high-technology available in many Spa centers!

Therefore, this natural asset is exploited by a specific range, launched (to find more than 53% hydration) through the Intensive Hyaluronic® collection, along a series of distinct reference molecules in aesthetic dermatology, such as Vitamin C & E2, AHA Peel, Retinol and Spirulin. A selection of emergency-beauty treatments proposes a targeted molecule for each indication, to be applied during two months, in order to regain a healthier skin. This list of premium cosmetics, dedicated to refresh your image and can be alternately used with your usual treatments, or in addition to special aesthetic procedures.
At first sight, as a first stage, you could start with the Intensive Serum, a hyaluronic acid complex combining three different forms of hyaluronic acid, in order to intensely hydrate and stimulate the production of your inner and natural hyaluronic acid. This local protocol is essentially efficient in the situation of wrinkles, fine lines and intense dehydration, within the rehydration of the superficial layers.
As a proper makeup base, this Intensive Cream is recommended to be applied on your face, neck and décolleté, every morning and evening and eventually for a 2-month treatment. This Serum immediately plumps your skin (mainly at the disposal of your wrinkles and fine lines), either on the surface and in depth, before a visible result through a rehydrated skin, that you could easily feel as more flexible, comfortable and radiant.
Intensive Serum – 30ml – 72 €
Once your epidermis is prepared with the previous Serum, we invite you to complete this hyaluronic acid routine with the Intensive Hyaluronic Cream, able to take care of your inevitable apparition of the first signs of aging, and all its sides effects impacting the firmness of your skin.
Indeed, thanks again to a triple action, this essential molecule would help you to intensely hydrate your skin and stimulate the production of your inner hyaluronic acid., while protecting you against the future environmental attacks. In order to make this remedy possible, a daily application of this Intense Cream, also suitable to a 2-month cure, would undoubtedly help you to rejuvenate and enlightens your epidermis, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your face.
Intensive Hyaluronic Cream – 50ml – 61 €
Furthermore, if you’re into a total treatment, employing the hyaluronic acid benefits, the Hyaluronic® Mask would surely be the right answer to clean and smooth your skin, by rehydrating the various and primary surface layers and swelling the tissues inside. For your information, between the cold temperature you could experiment outside and your warm interiors, the protective barrier of your skin, called the hydrolipidic film, can be often deteriorated, leading in particular to some dehydration.
This patented complex, pursuing this previous alloy of three different forms of hyaluronic acid, has been conceived to penetrate these deep layers of your epidermis, in order to densify these tissues by saturating them with water. It would be enough if you use this solution once or twice a week, eventually before attending a party or as a night care. The instructions for use are really simple… As usually, cover your face, your neck and your cleavage with a generous portion of this Mask and leave it for at least 15 minutes, before washing this ensemble. As a matter of fact, a sweetened visage would be also proud to erase your wrinkles and fine lines.
Hyaluronic® Mask – 75ml – 36,50 €
At last and for your eyes only, the Intensive Hyaluronic Eyes Serum is is a real hydra-plumping treatment to preserve the health of the common marked and tired looks. A product able to intensely hydrate and prevent environmental aging of this sensible zone, while filling the hollow area of the so-called valley of tears. In another hand, this Serum is efficient to reduce and plump the arising wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness.
For more efficiency, apply it daily by circular ascending massages around your eyes, crow’s feet and its surrounding valley of tears, either to be used alone or before any application of a complementary eye contour treatment. Don’t miss the illumination of your regard, turned into a refreshed, smoothed and visibly younger-looking appearance.
Intensive Hyaluronic Eyes Serum – 15ml – 39,50 €
More global informations on the official website and explore the entire Intensive range on the online store.
After this Helvetic selection, we switch to their German neighborhood, within the Klapp firm. Lately, this forty-year-old company, located in Hessisch-Lichtenau, launched a renewed Repagen Hyaluron Selection 7 range. Those purple packaged products are based on the Klapp know-how on their patented hyaluronic acid technology, aiming to stimulate all of your epidermis layers, notably through a 7 times more hydrating promising benefits. Thereafter, this local action would boost the opening of your skin pores and facilitate the penetration of any facial care products, you would eventually apply later (photo credits: Klapp).
Among several specific beauty products to explore, the common composition of its active ingredients is constant between each of them, to find in the Klapp partnered stores and beauty institutes.
The main assets highlighted by the Klapp team, particularly lie on quick results due to highly dosed compositions, made of different active ingredients formulations. Those are combined to ground a stable skin hyaluronic network, to prepare a better penetration potential and thus, a more efficient cell metabolism, in order to finally reinforce the detoxification process of your skin.
Prima facie and to reach those goals, you’re invited to appropriate the flagship 24H Hydra Cream, a facial care dedicated to all skin types, offers an anti-aging treatment.
This could be possible thanks to a well kept secret content, the Alpinia Galanga extracts, plus obviously homemade hyaluronic complex, composed of five different (high and lower) molecular hyaluronic acids, as well as two other active ingredients, also able to promote the formation of natural hyaluronic acid, from your inner epidermis.
Indeed, through a morning or evening application, after a cleaning session, and a soft massage, most of your skin layers would be undoubtedly hydrated, visibly plumped and stimulated, for an anti-wrinkle effect.
It seems that with hindsight, you would easily realize that the water balance of your skin would have been restored and protected with the help of this intensive care based on natural oils and a durable antioxidant protection, targeting on random free radicals.
Klapp 24H Hydra Cream – 50ml – 95 €
While still taking care of your facial assets, you may pursue your daily care with the Klapp Hydra Fluid cream, also dedicated for all skin types. This exclusive serum takes care of your skin with five high-quality hyaluronic acids, as well as two other active ingredients, also able to promote the formation of some hyaluronic acid directly by the skin.
For instance, you may count on really active ingredients, such as again several molecular seized hyaluronic acids, plus polyglucuronic acid, coupled with this endless natural Alpinia Galanga extract and glycerin. This rich combo would undoubtedly offer you many properties, to replenish your skin‘s moisture reserves and providing a unique lifting and plumping effect, due to a sufficient hydrating action. The result is apparently a firmer and smoother looking skin, and sparkles with a visible silky matte glow. In fact, the controlled release of hyaluronic acid allows to your epidermis a complete hydrating experience, while in the same time, the active ingredient complex promotes the synthesis of elastin of your skin and strengthens the connective tissue. We recommend you to apply this solution, possibly every morning and evening and ideally before the previous 24H Hydra Cream.
Klapp Hydra Fluid – 30ml – 63 €
Last but not least, taking a good care of your eyes is a must-do, opt for the Hydra Eye Care Cream. A look treatment, made to revive all skin types, thanks to five finely selected hyaluronic acids, along two other active substances which also promote the formation of hyaluronic acid by the skin, while still stimulating the delicate eyes area and offering a hydrating and plumping effect.
As a reminder, you would again find the same active ingredients as before, counting on various hyaluronic acids, married with polyglucoronic acid and Alpina Galanga extract, this time completed by sunflower oil. This combo conveys an intensive care for your eye contour, while quickly and immediately penetrating, and leaving a feeling of softness and firmness on the skin.
This whole action for a visibly smoother and firmer eye area and an intense moisturizing effect, to apply morning and evening by gently tapping around your eyes pouches.
Klapp Hydra Eye Care Cream – 20ml – 74 €
More information on the official website.
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