The Best of France and nearby!

Find great Burgundy wines at the annual Hospices de Beaune auction and support charitable organizations, such as Solidarité Femmes


..where a religious community took care of the most fragile ones.
Many secrets stand in this mansion with typical Burgundy tiles..

Some time ago, you had the chance to explore many secrets of the Burgundy wine capital of Beaune (read more on our article here). This time, we intend to offer a better explanation of the timeless charity ritual of the Hospices de Beaune’s auction which is awaited by many of you, all the year.

Celebrating since 1859, the best wine masterpieces to be acquired in order to support medical and social causes, it’s the place to be each Autumn in Beaune. Along this fact, one of the new beneficiaries, the Solidarité Femmes association has accepted to tell us more about their action in an interview at the end of this article. By Alexis Lery

..and some views over the original pharmacy.
Such a beautiful preserved medical center..

It’s not a mystery that since the 15th century, generations of passionate and skillful wine growers have succeeded from one to another, in order to develop the finest juices of Burgundy. Nowadays, those nectars find no comparison and their reputation is global, thanks to an incredible know how, leading to high complexity and of course quality.

Based on this statement, a charity wine auction has been launched in honor of this respectable institution of the Hospices de Beaune. Established in 1945, this marvelous rendez-vous remains one of the most famous annual charity events and has ever been attracting rare wine enthusiasts, from all over the world. 
..with thousand of bottles laying in cellars, beneath the ground.
Once in Beaune, you could see that winery is a real tradition there..

After a dozen of years being operated by the Christie’s auction house, this acclaimed event has recently been taken over by Sotheby’s. Therefore again, the goal remains to offer to the Hospices de Beaune an international transmission of this ancestral and social heritage

Proud of proposing every year a selection of the best Burgundy wines, the Hospices de Beaune always tends to convey the spirit of these prolix lands reflecting the history of such a rich terroir… That’s why, we could say that acquiring a piece of wine from the Hospices de Beaune means more than appreciating a rare wine but also contributing, by acquiring one of them, of some generosity effort. Indeed, any wine sale would be allocated to support the functioning of the hospital, and this according to early wishes of its founder, the Chancellor Nicolas Rolin.
..and another panorama from the courtyard.
An Autumn view from this majestic edifice..

For instance, each charity money collected would be used for the improvement of the hospital‘s care equipment (acquisition of high tech medical device), along the modernization of the local infrastructure but also the conservation of historic monuments, including the illustrious Hôtel-Dieu of Beaune

Without forgetting that following decades of success, the Hospices de Beaune auction even has been supporting each year, one or more other charitable associations, represented by turning personalities. Therefore, while donating funds extracted from these sales to these causes, most of these profits are generated by the sale of a wine barrel, called the “President’s Piece”.  
More information on the official website. a noble cause, inspiringly drawn by Drezden.
From the deepest of barrels, wine can provide energy..

Furthermore, the latest actors supported at this 161st edition of 2021 are the Institut Curie (for its research work in the fight against breast cancer) and the Solidarité Femmes association (to continue its supporting action for women victims of violence, as well as their children).

At this occasion, the director of this structure, Françoise Brié has accepted to answer to our questions and give us more details about their laudable action of public interest (photo credits: Sotheby’s & Solidarité Femmes). 
..some were validated by Françoise Brié herself. 
Some strong and convincing messages to catch attention..

– Could you introduce us the main actions of Solidarité Femmes?

The FNSF (National Federation of Women Solidarity) is made up of 73 specialized and local associations which follow more than 35,000 women and children in reception and accommodation centers. Then, they are able to run training, information and prevention actions. Solidarité Femmes 21 is one of them and operates in the Côte-d’Or department (including the city of Beaune).

The FNSF created and operates the national helpline 3919, called Violences Femmes Info. This phone number was created to welcome women victims of all forms of violence and mainly domestic violence. In 2020, nearly 100,000 calls were handled by the Solidarité Femmes team. 
..a charming Burgundy selection to discover.
An entrance from one of the accommodation centers..

Victims, relatives, professionals (of any gender) have been requesting this free, anonymous and confidential platform, available 24/7. Adding to this, Solidarité Femmes also pays many efforts to improve legislation and measures in favor of women who are victims of violence. Thus, since the 90s, the association has obtained many legislative changes, such as the recognition of children as co-victims of domestic violence, the eviction of the violent spouse or ex-spouse from family home, and facilitated the protection devices (photo credits: Andrea Bresciani).

Moreover, the structure is able to train all kinds of professionals, and even regularly publishes analyzes and data about domestic violence, along its legal department, a housing and accommodation platform dedicated for associations and women, who are monitored in their structures.

Would you be one of the lucky acquirers of those precious barrels?

 – What is the actual situation and the main issues about women condition in France?

Violence against women, like everywhere in Europe, remains an important phenomenon in France with a conjugal feminicide counted every 3 days. We estimate at approximately 220,000 women who are victims of physical and sexual violence within their couple. On top of that, unfortunately 102 women and 14 children were killed in 2020 and at least 75,000 victims suffered from rape or attempted rape.
Without forgetting that gender inequalities remain significant, in particular regarding their resources with a differential of 23% comparing to men. Completing the fact that the sharing of domestic tasks and for everything relating to children is still mainly concerned by women, for example.
Let’s get into the different appellations available in the auction day..




– What were your main actions of 2021 and the future ones in 2022?

In 2021, the FNSF has decided to extend the opening hours of the national helpline 3919 to a non-stop 24/7 accessibility, since previously the listening team was only available from 9am to 10pm on weekdays and from 9am to 6pm on weekends and public holidays.  
Adding to this, the 3919 is also accessible for hearing-impaired women via our
Without forgetting that the recent pandemic has increased by 17% the number of women who have requested a support by our multidisciplinary teams (lawyers, psychologists, social workers), so to say by phone assistance or hosting them in our accommodation centers, thanks to our new organization systems.
In 2021, we want to deploy hotlines in rural areas, develop emergency accommodations with overnight stays in hotels for safety and of course strengthen and develop our associative network in all the departments in France and in the overseas departments and territories.
Sometimes angels appear again in the historical facades of the Hospices de Beaune..

– How did the partnership with the Hospices de Beaune’s auction was built and what do you expect from it?

The activity of one of our associations in the Côte d’Or department, with the Hospices de Beaune, has enabled us to promote the quality of our work with all kinds of victims, either women and their children, which has led its managers to choose Solidarité Femmes. Funding is still lacking to strengthen the teams of the Solidarité Femmes 21 association such as at 3919, to allow simultaneous translation into foreign languages ​​for the national helpline, to develop our accommodation center and violence prevention actions in schools. We thus hope to be able to hire more listeners, psychologists, social workers, sociologists.
More information on the official website.
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