Get the best from nature with the vegetal oils extracted by Oden, and their new eye Contour Précieux!
4 min readFollowing our various articles about French organic cosmetics, why not adopting a new skincare routine made from natural oils? Founded by Laurence and Marion, mother and daughter, Oden is a natural brand of botanical care created from plants grown in France, full of biological properties and for sure without any preservatives. A selection of products dedicated for all types of skins and at every life stage. By AL
If you wish to enjoy from the numerous assets from rare medicinal plants, we are pleased to introduce you here another kind of project, lead from an other French region. Founded by Marion Weber, who has been developing, since a young age, her own cosmetics, the Oden project highlights different benefits from nature, directly on your skin. Officially known as the natural Huiles Botaniques d’Oden, those botanical oils are grown and processed in France, thanks to a short circuit that is specially applied to cosmetics. There you could find pure vegetable, virgin and first cold pressed oils, thus without any added chemistry, water and of course nor animal testing (photo credits: Oden).
Indeed, the seeds, used for the cosmetics recipes, are pressed in small quantities, in order to provide you a quality and fresh oil, full of Omega 3, 6 and 9 and other active ingredients, like vitamins E and A.
“Having been passionate about beauty and plants for a long time, I quickly became aware of the composition of the treatments I used. I noticed that cosmetic brands were not using local natural ingredients in their products. However, French nature is full of interesting plants for beauty. I have formed partnerships with more than 30 French farmers to launch a range of rare, precious and very effective vegetable oils for skin care. The Oden adventure could begin… It is in this sense that we source our exceptional ingredients directly from French producers, via a short circuit“, admits Marion Weber, founder of Oden.
That’s why, while using them, you would notice that those products have suitable affinities with any casual skin, due to the same fatty acid compositions as intercellular cement, forming your epidermis, helping your skin to instantly absorb those oils, and last plumped and hydrated.
In order to keep this coolness sensation, the Oden laboratory aimed to revive some forgotten and mostly undervalued plants, although they are supposed to be rich in active ingredients. This initiative may have been possible through a collaboration with some local French farms, willing to participate in this cosmetic industry project. Moreover, and to get the best extracts from nature, the Oden team has also partnered with female farmers who make jams from French fruits. Then, they send their fruit seeds and pits, that they used to throw away until now.
With this recycling path, and the involvement of laboratories specializing in plant extraction, the Oden team have determined the most ecological way to extract rare and precious oils from those extraordinary fruit seeds and kernels.
Among those essences, you could count on a range of six vegetal oils that are already available for all kinds of skins (recommended price for 30ml: 28 euros).
– Chanvre (Hemp) for dehydrated and irritated skin types
– Prune biologique (Organic plum) for dry skin types
– Noisette (Hazelnut) for average to oily skin types
– Amande (Almond) for sensitive skin types
– Onagre (Evening primrose) for dull skin types
– Bourrache (Borage) for mature skin types
Moreover, the Oden team is a huge support for agroecology and consequently, wishes to raise French awareness this new wave cultural mode. For that reason, the brand planed to create Jardins Cosmétiques, which is a botanic garden where vegetal species would be planted in harmony with others.
This homemade Oden garden (and showroom for their products) is for sure open to the public, who would have a great opportunity to discover different plant varieties dedicated for cosmetic use, and learn how to get an efficient oil, extracted from seeds of a plant, fitted with wonderful skin properties. The first location has opened during the summer of 2019 in Piriac-Sur-Mer (this Brittany city is also a project partner); a second spot has followed in Paris.
Without forgetting the recently released treatment for your eyes, to fight against signs of fatigue, aging and bags under eyes. Called Contour Precieux, this solution aims to smooth your fine lines, for a firmer skin, reduce dark circles and thus a more rested and illuminated look. This oil is composed of various essences, which are prickly pear oil from the Eastern Pyrenees, rich in vitamin E and sterols, to lift and firm the skin around your eyes, along safflower oil from Gers, to moisturize your finer epidermis.
For more information, connect on the official website or directly in the stores.
Oden, 30 Rue d’Hauteville, 75010 Paris (France) / Phone : 00 33 (0)6 52 04 72 63.
Les Jardins de Florent, 7 Rue du Pladreau, 44420 Piriac-sur-Mer (France) / Phone : 00 33 (0)6 17 03 31 06.